Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Moon was believed to have a powerful influence the behavior of both people and animals. All nature bowed to the power of the Moon.

Here are a few of those beliefs

Two full Moons in the same month will cause severe weather in the following month.

The Moon is made of green cheese. (Where that come from is anybody's guess!)

It is unlucky to look at the Moon through a pane of glass.

Never sleep exposed to the rays of the Moon because lunacy will follow.

Sleeping under the light of a full Moon will make a woman pregnant.

A full Moon during harvest means a good crop. A new Moon brings good fortune.

In some parts of the world, it is unlucky to point at the Moon. Misfortune will follow.

The first new Moon of the year should be bowed or curtsied to. Men, however, can simply doff their hats in respect.

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